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GCSE Bitesize Revision: Cymraeg Ail-Iaith - Non ap Emlyn

GCSE Bitesize Revision: Cymraeg Ail-Iaith - Non ap Emlyn

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Adnodd defnyddiol i fyfyrwyr Cymraeg ail-iaith mewn cyfres o lyfrau, rhaglenni teledu a gwefan a luniwyd i arwain at lwyddiant mewn arholiadau TGAU; yn cynnwys pennod i bob pwnc, sef Y Filltir Sgwâr, Hamdden, Delwedd a Chymru, ymarferion ar bob pwnc, ac esiamplau o gwestiynau arholiad. Yr iaith Saesneg fydd yn arwain myfyrwyr drwy'r gyfrol.

English Description: An useful resource for second language Welsh GCSE students in a series of books, television programmes and a website designed to lead to exam success; including a chapter for each topic, being Y Filltir Sgwâr, Hamdden, Delwedd and Cymru, exercises on each topic, and examples of exam questions. The student is lead through the book in the English language.

ISBN: 9781843234050

Awdur/Author: Non ap Emlyn

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2005-10-12

Tudalennau/Pages: 128

Iaith/Language: BI

Argaeledd/Availability: Out of print

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: 4

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