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Gogledd Cymru Map Beicio / North Wales Cycle Map

Gogledd Cymru Map Beicio / North Wales Cycle Map

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Gydag amrywiaeth o dir seiclo, mae Gogledd Cymru yn ardal ddelfrydol iw ddarganfod ar dy feic. O Eryri i arfordir Gogledd Cymru, mae digonedd o lwybrau di-draffig iw mwynhau, ynghyd â nifer o ddringfeydd heriol. Maer gyfrol maint poced hon, sydd wedii diwygio ai diweddaru, yn rhan o gyfres a baratowyd ar gyfer y Rhwydwaith Beicio Cenedlaethol.

English Description: With its wide variety of cycling terrain, North Wales makes an ideal region for discovering by bike. From Snowdonia to the North Wales Coast, there are plenty of traffic-free routes to ride, as well as many challenging climbs. This revised and updated map is in the series of pocket sized, folded maps to the National Cycle Network.

ISBN: 9781910845752

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Cordee Books and Maps

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 13/07/2020

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Refer to other publisher or distributor

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