India Wales: 2. Open Me My Shadow - Avner Pariat, Rhys Trimble
India Wales: 2. Open Me My Shadow - Avner Pariat, Rhys Trimble
Casgliad o gerddi gan Avner Pariat a Rhys Trimble o India a Chymru, ill dau wedi cyfansoddi cerddi newydd ac wedi cyfieithu cerddi ei gilydd. Rhan o brosiect a drefnwyd gan Literature Across Frontiers a'u partneriaid i nodi saith deg mlynedd ers i India ennill annibyniaeth.
English Description: Avner Pariat and Rhys Trimble are two of the ten poets from India and Wales who took part in a project organized by Literature Across Frontiers and partners to mark the 70th anniversary of independent India.
ISBN: 9789382749660
Awdur/Author: Avner Pariat, Rhys Trimble
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Mercator Rhyngwladol/PoetryWala
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-11-18
Tudalennau/Pages: 52
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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