Litter-Skitter, The - Patricia Sumner
Litter-Skitter, The - Patricia Sumner
Cynlluniwyd y gyfrol hon er mwyn annog plant i fod yn ddinasyddion da ac i beidio gadael sbwriel. Yn rhan 1, cyflwynir y plant i'r pwnc trwy gyfrwng cerddi, tra bo rhan 2 yn cynnwys cyfres o weithgareddau addysgol sy'n cynyddu llythrennedd y plentyn. Dyma gasgliad o gerddi a gweithgareddau hwyliog i ddiddanu a swyno plant wrth iddynt ddysgu.
English Description: Someone is secretly dropping litter everywhere! Their naughty antics are ruining our parks, beaches, streets... Who could it possibly be? Perhaps it's a strange and mischievous creature called the Litter Skitter. After all, it couldn't be anyone else, could it? This unique and funny book, with its catchy rhymes and entertaining illustrations, will capture children's imaginations.
ISBN: 9781842855997
Awdur/Author: Patricia Sumner
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Hamilton-Vale Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-01-20
Tudalennau/Pages: 24
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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