Llaw Wen, Y - Alun Jones
Llaw Wen, Y - Alun Jones
Nofel gref gan feistr wrth ei grefft am yrrwr hers y caiff ei fywyd emosiynol cythryblus yn dilyn ysgariad ynghyd â pherthynas fregus a'i fam ffwndrus ei gymhlethu ymhellach wedi iddo roi lloches i ferch ifanc a'i baban gan feithrin gofid dwfn am ei lles.
English Description: A powerful novel by a master craftsman about a hearse driver whose turmoiled emotional life following a divorce together with a strained relationship with his mother is further complicated when he gives shelter to a young mother and her baby son whom he nurtures a deep concern for their welfare.
ISBN: 9781843234418
Awdur/Author: Alun Jones
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2004-09-30
Tudalennau/Pages: 208
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: N/A
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