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Lost Rainforests of Britain, The - Guy Shrubsole

Lost Rainforests of Britain, The - Guy Shrubsole

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Dyma hanes un o gynefinoedd mwyaf unigryw Prydain, cynefin a anrheithiwyd cymaint fel na ŵyr llawer ei fod yn bodoli. Ar un adeg, gorchuddiai coedwigoedd glaw tymherus hyd at un rhan o bump o diroedd Prydain, gan gynnig cartref i amrywiaeth eang o ffurfiau bywyd llewyrchus, ac ysbrydoli derwyddon Celtaidd, dewiniaid Cymreig, beirdd Rhamantaidd a chreadigaethau Arthur Conan Doyle.

English Description: This is the story of a unique habitat that has been so ravaged, most people today don’t realise it exists. Temperate rainforest may once have covered up to one-fifth of Britain and played host to a dazzling variety of luminous life-forms, inspiring Celtic druids, Welsh wizards, Romantic poets, and Arthur Conan Doyle’s most loved creations.

ISBN: 9780008527990

Awdur/Author: Guy Shrubsole

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: William Collins Books

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-04-27

Tudalennau/Pages: 336

Iaith/Language: EN

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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