Magic Harbours - Jamie Owen
Magic Harbours - Jamie Owen
Cofnod darluniadol hudolus o fordaith 300 milltir yr awdur ar hen long hwylio wrth iddo gyfarfod â thrigolion nifer o drefi a phentrefi arfordirol o Gaerdydd i Gonwy gan fyfyrio ar gyfoeth ac amrywiaeth arfordir Cymru, yn seiliedig ar gyfres deledu or un enw. 150 llun lliw, 2 lun du-a-gwyn a 7 map.
English Description: A magical illustrated record of the authors 300-mile voyage on an old sailing ship as he meets the inhabitants of various coastal towns and villages from Cardiff to Conwy and reflects on the rich diversity of the Welsh coastline, based on a television series of the same name. 15 colour and 2 black-and-white photographs and 7 maps.
ISBN: 9781843233381
Awdur/Author: Jamie Owen
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 11/11/2004
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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