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New Walks in Gwynedd: From Mountain Tops to Valley Floors - Dave Salter, Dave Worrall

New Walks in Gwynedd: From Mountain Tops to Valley Floors - Dave Salter, Dave Worrall

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Arweinlyfr syn rhoi sylw arbennig i hanes a chwedloniaeth, i 22 o deithiau cerdded cylchol yn amrywio o 3 i 12 milltir mewn amryfal rannau o Wynedd. Mapiau llwybrau du-a-gwyn. Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn 1997.

English Description: An informative guide, concentrating on history, stories and legends, to 22 circular walks varying from 3 to 12 miles in various parts of Gwynedd. Black-and-white route maps. First published in 1997.

ISBN: 9780863814303

Awdur/Author: Dave Salter, Dave Worrall

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Llygad Gwalch Cyf

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/04/2008

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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