North Wales in the Making - A Guide to the Areas Early History - Michael Senior
North Wales in the Making - A Guide to the Areas Early History - Michael Senior
Hanes cynnar gogledd Cymru o gyfnod cynnar hyd 1282, yn cynnwys gwybodaeth seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ddaearegol am newidiadau ir tirlun, twf trefi ac am bersonoliaethau lliwgar a dylanwadol mewn meysydd gwleidyddol, crefyddol a chymdeithasol. 55 llun du-a-gwyn a 7 map. Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn 1995.
English Description: An early history of North Wales from earliest times to 1282, comprising information based on geological evidence about the changing face of the land, the growth of towns and about colourful and influential personalities in political, religious and social fields. 55 black-and-white photographs and 7 maps. First published in 1995.
ISBN: 9780863818288
Awdur/Author: Michael Senior
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Llygad Gwalch Cyf
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/04/2003
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Out of print
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