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Not Thomas

Not Thomas

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Tomos is five and lives with his mother, and sometimes her boyfriend. He longs to return to another place, a place he thinks of as home. Then, the difficult things come to a head - there are men outside who want to come in, and his mum has said not to answer the door. From behind his chair, Tomos waits, trying to make himself small and quiet.

Mae Tomos, sy'n bump oed, yn byw gyda'i fam a'i chariad, ond mae e'n ysu am gael dychwelyd i fan arall y mae'n ei gyfrif yn gartref iddo. Daw'r cyfnod anodd hwn yn ei fywyd i'r pen pan ddaw criw o ddynion at y tŷ, ond nid yw ei fam am agor y drws iddynt, a rhaid i Tomos guddio a chadw'n dawel.
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