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Out of the Shadows - A History of Women in Twentieth-Century Wales

Out of the Shadows - A History of Women in Twentieth-Century Wales

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A highly interesting account of the astounding changes in the life of Welsh women during the twentieth century, in the fields of health and education, home and leisure life, work and politics, reflecting extensive and detailed research by an eminent historian. 24 black-and-white illustrations. First published in October 2000, with a second reprint in April 2001.

Hanes hynod ddiddorol o'r newidiadau syfrdanol ym mywyd gwragedd yng Nghymru yn ystod yr ugeinfed ganrif, ym meysydd addysg ac iechyd, bywyd y cartref a hamdden, gwaith a gwleidyddiaeth, gan adlewyrchu gwaith ymchwil helaeth a manwl gan hanesydd uchel ei pharch. 24 llun du-a-gwyn. Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn Hydref 2000, gydag ail argraffiad yn Ebrill 2001.
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