Roman Britain: A New History - Guy de la Bedoyere
Roman Britain: A New History - Guy de la Bedoyere
Argraffiad diwygiedig o astudiaeth awdurdodol wedi ei darlunion hardd o hanes Prydain fel trefedigaeth Rufeinig, syn gosod y goresgyniad Rhufeinig yn y cyd-destun ehangach o gymdeithas Brydeinig-Rufeinig. Maer testun yn ymgorffori ymchwil newydd a darganfyddiadau diweddar, gan gynnwys bron i 300 o ddarluniau, mapiau a diagramau.
English Description: A revised edition of a lavishly illustrated and authoritative account of the history of Britain as a Roman province, which puts the Roman conquest and occupation within the larger context of Romano-British society and how it functioned. The text incorporates new research and recent discoveries, and includes nearly 300 illustrations, maps and diagrams.
ISBN: 9780500291146
Awdur/Author: Guy de la Bedoyere
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Thames and Hudson
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 03/01/2014
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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