Sarn Helen: A Journey Through Wales, Past, Present and Future - Tom Bullough
Sarn Helen: A Journey Through Wales, Past, Present and Future - Tom Bullough
Cyfrol ddarluniadol yn dilyn taith ffeithiol, swynol trwy Gymru ar hyd Sarn Helen, sef yr hen ffordd Rufeinig a redai o dde i ogledd Cymru. Portread myfyriol a swynol o Gymru gan un o lenorion ifanc gorau'r wlad, ynghyd ag arlunwaith gan Jackie Morris.
English Description: Featuring illustrations by Jackie Morris, an immersive, evocative non-fictional journey through Wales and a revelatory meditation on the nation's past, present and future. Sarn Helen - Helen's Causeway - is the old Roman Road that runs from the south of Wales to the north. From one of Wales' most celebrated younger writers, Sarn Helen is at once a vivid and immersive portrait of a nation.
ISBN: 9781783788095
Awdur/Author: Tom Bullough
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Granta Publications
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-02-09
Tudalennau/Pages: 288
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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