Severn Way, The - Terry Marsh
Severn Way, The - Terry Marsh
Cyfeirlyfr yn llawn darluniau lliw a mapiau eglur yn cyflwyno gwybodaeth angenrheidiol ar gyfer cerddwyr sy'n dymuno mwynhau cerdded 338km (210 milltir) Llwybr Afon Hafren, llwybr sy'n cychwyn wrth darddle'r afon ym Mhowys, gan ddolennu drwy dirwedd hardd a threfi a phentrefi diddorol cyn uno â'r môr ym Mryste.
English Description: This guidebook offers all the information walkers need to enjoy the 338km (210 miles) of the Severn Way. Beginning at the River Severn's source in Powys, mid-Wales, the route follows the entire Severn Valley, meandering through many superb landscapes and interesting towns and villages before finishing near Bristol, in south-west England.
ISBN: 9781852846855
Awdur/Author: Terry Marsh
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Cicerone Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2014-03-05
Tudalennau/Pages: 176
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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