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Silvograph - Arthur Cheetham 1865-1937 Pioneer Film-Maker

Silvograph - Arthur Cheetham 1865-1937 Pioneer Film-Maker

Regular price £8.50
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Arthur Cheetham was a key figure in the early days of cinema in Wales. He was screening films to audiences within 12 months of the Lumières' pioneering Paris film-show of December 1895 and started to produce his own as early as January 1898.

Roedd Arthur Cheetham yn gymeriad allweddol ym mywyd cynnar y sinema yng Nghymru. Dangosai ffilmiau i gynulleidfaoedd o fewn 12 mis i sioe ffilmiau arloesol Lumières ym mis Rhagfyr 1895, a chychwynnodd gynhyrchu ei ffilmiau ei hun ym mis Ionawr 1898.
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