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Stori Sydyn: Hunllef

Stori Sydyn: Hunllef

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A title in the short and fast-paced series Quick Reads. A man returns to the town where he grew up to start a new chapter in his life following his marriage breakdown. He has suffered from terrible nightmares for years - nightmares that become more regular after his move to the new flat.

Teitl yn y gyfres o gyfrolau byr a chyflym Stori Sydyn. Nofel ddirgelwch, lawn tensiwn gan awdur ifanc dalentog. Stori am ddyn ifanc yn symud tŷ ar ôl gwahanu oddi wrth ei wraig ac yn methu'n lân â deall yr hunllefau a gaiff yn ei gartref newydd, tan iddo ddod ar draws hen ddynes enigmatig.
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