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Stories of Solidarity - Hywel Francis

Stories of Solidarity - Hywel Francis

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Casgliad o ddarlithiau ac areithiau'r hanesydd, yr ymgyrchydd gwleidyddol a'r cyn Aelod Seneddol Hywel Francis. Mae'n dathlu brwydrau'r dosbarth gweithiol yng nghymoedd De Cymru gan holi am berthnasedd streiciau'r glowyr a'r GIC. Dyma gyfrol hanfodol ac ysbrydoledig ar gyfer pawb sy'n ymddiddori yn hanes diweddar cymdeithasol a chyffredinol Cymru.

English Description: A collection of writings and speeches by historian, political activist and former MP Hywel Francis. He celebrates the struggles of the working class of the South Wales Valleys and asks about the continuing relevance of the miners' strikes and the NHS. An essential and inspiring book for all interested in recent Welsh social and general history.

ISBN: 9781912631032

Awdur/Author: Hywel Francis

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Y Lolfa

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2018-09-13

Tudalennau/Pages: 240

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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