'This Rugby Spellbound People', The Birth of Rugby in Cardiff and Wales - Gwyn Prescott
'This Rugby Spellbound People', The Birth of Rugby in Cardiff and Wales - Gwyn Prescott
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Cyfeirlyfr cynhwysfawr i hanes rygbi yng Nghaerdydd ac i gyfraniad y brifddinas i ddatblygiad y gêm yng Nghymru yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Dros 140 o luniau du a gwyn.
English Description: The Birth of Rugby in Cardiff and Wales is the essential history of rugby in Cardiff and to the significance of the capital city to the development of rugby in Wales in the nineteenth century. Over 140 black and white images.
ISBN: 9781902719436
Awdur/Author: Gwyn Prescott
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Welsh Academic Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2015-10-27
Tudalennau/Pages: 304
Iaith/Language: EN
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