Top 10 Walks - Wales Coast Path: Pembrokeshire North
Top 10 Walks - Wales Coast Path: Pembrokeshire North
Cyfeirlyfr poced deniadol a luniwyd gan arbenigwyr, yn cynnig deg taith ardderchog ar hyd rhan o Lwybr Arfordir Cymru, sef gogledd sir Benfro, yn cynnwys lluniau a mapiau lliw, ynghyd â chyfarwyddiadau clir.
English Description: This attractive and cleverly structured guidebook gives walkers the ten finest routes along a section of the new Wales Coast Path, officially opened in May 2012, in a popular pocketable format. One of a series of books in the new Top 10 Walks: Wales Coast Path series. Handy, pocket-sized, full colour walking guides written by experts.
ISBN: 9781908632296
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Northern Eye Books @ Cordee
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2015-03-02
Tudalennau/Pages: 64
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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