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The Tour According to G

The Tour According to G

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ISBN: 9781787479050

Publication Date April 2019
Publisher: Quercus Publications, London

Format: Paperback, 198x129 mm, 304 pages

Language: English

New Paperback Edition. With insight from the key characters around Geraint, this is the inside story of one of the most thrilling and heart-warming tales in sport. Not only can nice guys come first - they can win the biggest prize of all. 19 colour photographs.

Gyda mewnwelediad gan y cymeriadau allweddol o gwmpas Geraint Thomas, dyma un o'r straeon mwyaf cyffrous a chynnes o fyd y campau, pan lwyddodd gŵr diymhongar i gipio'r wobr uchaf oll. 19 o ffotograffau lliw.

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