Wales in an Age of Change 1815-1918 - Roger Turvey
Wales in an Age of Change 1815-1918 - Roger Turvey
Cyfrol addysgol werthfawr yn cyflwyno gwybodaeth am y newidiadau cymdeithasol ac economaidd, gwleidyddol ac addysgol, diwydiannol a diwylliannol yng Nghymru, 1815-1915, gyda ffynonellau a gweithgareddau astudio, ynghyd â chyngor defnyddiol parthed ymchwil unigol a darllen pellach, ar gyfer myfyrwyr y cyrsiau Hanes AS ac A newydd. 45 llun du-a-gwyn ac 16 map.
English Description: A valuable educational volume presenting information about the social and economic, political and educational, industrial and cultural changes in Wales, 1815-1915, with interesting sources and study activities, together with useful advice about individual research and further reading for students of the new History AS and A courses. 45 black-and-white illustrations and 16 maps.
ISBN: 9781856447690
Awdur/Author: Roger Turvey
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: CAA Cymru
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/04/2002
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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