Walking on Waste - Mike Jenkins
Walking on Waste - Mike Jenkins
42 soned wedi'u hysgrifennu o fewn naw mis, y rhan fwyaf ohonynt ar daith ar y trên rhwng Merthyr a Chaerdydd. Yn ogystal â'r sonedau, ceir cyfres o gerddi 'haiku' am Japan, sy'n bwrw golwg ar Hiroshima'r gorffennol a Tokyo'r presennol. Hefyd, ceir nifer o gerddi ysgafn wedi'u hysgrifennu yn nhafodiaith Merthyr, sy'n cynnwys teyrnged i'r arwr diweddar, John Charles.
English Description: Forty-two sonnets written in nine months, many on the train between Merthyr and Cardiff, gave birth to Walking on Waste. In addition to these sonnets for modern times, are a series of haiku about Japan, with images of Hiroshima's past and Tokyo today. Also a number of humorous poems written in Merthyr dialect, including a tribute to the late, great John Charles.
ISBN: 9781845271473
Awdur/Author: Mike Jenkins
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2007-10-17
Tudalennau/Pages: 80
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
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