Walking the Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path - 210Km/130 Miles of Superb Coastal Walking - Carl Rogers
Walking the Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path - 210Km/130 Miles of Superb Coastal Walking - Carl Rogers
Arweinlyfr manwl a chynhwysfawr i'r llwybrau sydd ar hyd arfordir Ynys Môn; ceir ffotograffau lliw drwyddo i gyd. Argraffiad newydd o The Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path (ISBN 9781902512136). Cafwyd trydydd argraffiad fis Mai 2013.
English Description: A well-researched and comprehensive guide to the pathways and routes around the coast of the Isle of Anglesey; contains colour photographs throughout. A new edition of The Isle of Anglesey Coastal Path (ISBN 9781902512136). Third edition published published May 2013.
ISBN: 9781902512150
Awdur/Author: Carl Rogers
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Mara Books@Cordee
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-11-18
Tudalennau/Pages: 160
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Out of Stock
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