Walks with History Series: Circular Walks in the Western Beacons - Nick Jenkins
Walks with History Series: Circular Walks in the Western Beacons - Nick Jenkins
Casgliad o ddeg taith gerdded amrywiol trwy olygfeydd hudolus rhan uchaf dyffryn Tawe a rhan ddeheuol Bannau Brycheiniog, yn cynnwys mapiau a chyfarwyddiadau clir ynghyd â gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol am fywyd gwyllt, hanes cynnar a mannau o ddiddordeb lleol. 11 map.
English Description: A collection of ten graded walks through the breathtaking scenery of the upper Swansea valley to the southern parts of the Brecon Beacons, comprising clear maps and directions together with useful information about wild life, ancient history and points of local interest. 11 maps.
ISBN: 9780863816383
Awdur/Author: Nick Jenkins
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Llygad Gwalch Cyf
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/07/2000
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Out of print
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