Water Horse, The - Julia Gregson
Water Horse, The - Julia Gregson
Stori ramant hanesyddol am ferch ifanc o gefn gwlad Cymru sy'n dianc i Lundain i gychwyn gyrfa fel nyrs o dan ofalaeth Florence Nightingale ac sy'n gwirfoddoli i fynd i'r Crimea, ond mae ei chyfaill ers plentyndod, Deio, yn benderfynol o'i dilyn i Scutari.
English Description: A historical love story set against the Crimean War about a young girl from rural Wales who makes her way to London to become a nurse under the charge of Florence Nightingale and who volunteers to be dispatched to Scutari, only to be joined by her childhood friend Deio, the drover's son.
ISBN: 9780752865799
Awdur/Author: Julia Gregson
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Orion Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2004-11-18
Tudalennau/Pages: 400
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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