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Waterfalls of Stars: My Ten Years on the Island of Skomer

Waterfalls of Stars: My Ten Years on the Island of Skomer

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Waterfalls of Stars is Rosanne Alexander's love letter to Skomer Island, the nature reserve where she spent ten years as a warden. It portrays a relationship with nature enthralling in its immediacy and engages readers as she cares for Skomer's bird and seal colonies while exploring her own character during periods of isolation from the mainland.

Dyma lythyr caru Rosanne Alexander i Ynys Sgomer, y warchodfa natur lle y treuliodd ddeng mlynedd yn warden. Mae'r awdures yn portreadu ei pherthynas swynol â natur gan hudo'r darllenydd yn llwyr wrth iddi gofnodi'r modd y gofalodd am adar a morloi'r ynys, tra'n archwilio ei chymeriad ei hun yn ystod cyfnodau o arwahanrwydd o'r tir mawr.
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