We Could Be Anywhere by Now - Katherine Stansfield
We Could Be Anywhere by Now - Katherine Stansfield
Yn ei hail gasgliad o gerddi, mae Katherine Stansfield yn dwyn ynghyd ddarnau am leoliad a dadleoliad sy'n llawn o gomedi cam a thensiwn anesmwyth. Mae ei chyfnodau yng Nghymru, yr Eidal a Chanada ynghyd â dychweliad i sir ei geni yng Nghernyw wedi esgor ar gerddi sy'n ymhyfrydu yn yr hyn sy'n wahanol a'r hyn a gipglywir ynghyd â chomedi a dwyster bywyd beunyddiol.
English Description: In her second collection, We Could Be Anywhere By Now, Katherine Stansfield brings us poems about placement and displacement full of both wry comedy and uneasy tension. Stints in Wales, Italy and Canada, plus return trips to her native Cornwall all spark poems delighting in the off-key, the overheard, the comedy and pathos of everyday life.
ISBN: 9781781725672
Awdur/Author: Katherine Stansfield
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Seren
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-06-11
Tudalennau/Pages: 72
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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