Welsh English Dialect - Benjamin A Jones
Welsh English Dialect - Benjamin A Jones
Cyfrol yn cyflwyno ystod eang o ddywediadau Cymraeg-Saesneg: o eiriau o gymoedd de Cymru i ogledd y wlad; o ddywediadau doniol ardaloedd ffin y dwyrain hyd arfordir gorllewin Gŵyr. Darperir hefyd fewnwelediad i wreiddiau geiriau a straeon anecdotaidd sy'n gysylltiedig â hwy.
English Description: A book covering a range of Welsh-English expressions: from words of the southern Valleys to those in North Wales; from jocular sayings of the eastern Borders to those along the western Gower coastline. Provided throughout are insights into some of these words' origins and anecdotal stories associated with them.
ISBN: 9781910551653
Awdur/Author: Benjamin A Jones
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Bradwell Books
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2016-06-16
Tudalennau/Pages: 80
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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