Welsh Marches, The: 40 Town and Country Walks - Ben Giles
Welsh Marches, The: 40 Town and Country Walks - Ben Giles
Llyfr poced yn cynnwys 40 taith yn ardal y Mers, yn cynnig mwynhad o dawelwch tiroedd y ffin, ei afonydd nadreddog a'i wastatir braf, ei fynydd-dir deniadol a'i ddyffrynnoedd culion tlws. 45 llun a 45 map mewn lliw.
English Description: The tranquil borderland of the Marches offers a varied landscape truncated by rivers meandering to lowland plains. Limestone to the west and north of the old red sandstone of the Hereford Plain has given rise to exceptionally attractive hilly country with delightful, narrow valleys. In these 40 walks Ben Giles explores all the best places to visit in this wonderful area.
ISBN: 9781907025181
Awdur/Author: Ben Giles
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Pocket Mountains
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2012-07-18
Tudalennau/Pages: 96
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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