Welsh Sporting Legends: The Swansea City Alphabet - Huw Richards
Welsh Sporting Legends: The Swansea City Alphabet - Huw Richards
Cyfrol sy'n sicr o apelio at gefnogwyr yr Elyrch, gan gynnwys y cyfnodau da a drwg, y glaw a'r hindda. Ceir yma wybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau, themâu a phrofiadau yn hanes clwb. Dewis personol Huw Richards sydd yn y gyfrol, ond bydd cefnogwyr Dinas Abertawe yn gallu uniaethu â'i ddewis.
English Description: A book that evokes the experience of supporting the Swans, the highs and the lows, the good times and the bad. In it you will find the club greats - and not so greats - on events, themes and experiences in the club's eventful past and present. A personal selection, but one that will appeal to all supporters of Swansea City, it is written with warmth and humour by a lifelong fan.
ISBN: 9781902719283
Awdur/Author: Huw Richards
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Welsh Academic Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2009-12-11
Tudalennau/Pages: 120
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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