Welsh Women's Classics: Nightingale Silenced, The - And Other Late Unpublished Writings - Margiad Evans
Welsh Women's Classics: Nightingale Silenced, The - And Other Late Unpublished Writings - Margiad Evans
Golwg unigryw ar flynyddoedd olaf bywyd Margiad Evans, bywyd a newidiwyd yn llwyr wedi iddi ddechrau dioddef o epilepsi pan oedd yn 41 oed. Dyma enghraifft oleuedig gan nofelydd ifanc, dewr a bardd o addewid mawr yn ysgrifennu am y profiad o wynebu salwch terfynol. Trawsysgrifwyd y testun gan ei nai, Jim Pratt, o dair llawysgrif anghyhoeddedig.
English Description: The Nightingale Silenced, transcribed by her nephew Jim Pratt from three previously unpublished manuscripts, offers a unique account of the last years of Margiad Evans' life, which was irreversibly changed by the onset of epilepsy at the age of 41. An enlightening example of writing on the experience of terminal illness from a courageous young novelist and poet of great promise
ISBN: 9781912905072
Awdur/Author: Margiad Evans
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Honno
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-01-23
Tudalennau/Pages: 240
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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