Welsh Wonders: Billy - The Powerful Life of Billy Boston - Jessica Dunrod
Welsh Wonders: Billy - The Powerful Life of Billy Boston - Jessica Dunrod
Stori Billy Boston - cyn-chwaraewr proffesiynol rygbi'r gynghrair. Ganwyd ef yng Nghaerdydd, a chychwynnodd ei yrfa fel chwaraewr rygbi'r undeb. Wynebodd hiliaeth yn ei ieuenctid, ond symudodd i chwarae i Wigan. Fe'i ystyrir yn un o chwaraewyr gorau'r gamp erioed.
English Description: The story of Billy Boston - a Welsh former professional rugby league footballer. Born in Cardiff, Boston started his career as a rugby union player. He faced racism in his youth, but went on to play for Wigan. He is regarded as one of the sport's greatest ever players.
ISBN: 9781914303371
Awdur/Author: Jessica Dunrod
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Broga
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2024-03-01
Tudalennau/Pages: 32
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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