Welsh Yeomanry at War - Steven John
Welsh Yeomanry at War - Steven John
Yn 1916, cychwynnodd aelodau Catrodau Iwmyn Penfro a Morgannwg ar gyfnod o wasanaeth milwrol tramor am y tro cyntaf yn eu hanes, a hynny dan reolaeth swyddogion o blith y bonedd. Maer gyfrol hon yn adrodd yr hanes. 111 llun du-a-gwyn ac 14 map.
English Description: In 1916, officered by well-known members of the landed gentry, two of the Welsh Yeomanry regiments, the Pembroke Yeomanry and the Glamorgan Yeomanry, were amongst many who embarked on foreign service for the first time ever in their history. This volume records their story. 111 black-and-white images and 14 maps.
ISBN: 9781473833623
Awdur/Author: Steven John
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Pen & Sword Books Limited
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 19/12/2016
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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