When Lions Roared: The Lions, The All Blacks and the Legendary Tour of 1971 - Tom English, Peter Burns
When Lions Roared: The Lions, The All Blacks and the Legendary Tour of 1971 - Tom English, Peter Burns
Mae'r gyfrol When Lions Roared yn tyrchu i galon haf 1971, wrth i aelodau timau rygbi'r Llewod, y Teirw Duon a thaleithiau Seland Newydd ailfyw un o'r teithiau mwyaf nodedig yn hanes rygbi - taith a newidiodd y gêm am byth, a thaith sy'n parhau i atseinio'n rymus hyd heddiw.
English Description: When Lions Roared delves to the very heart of that famous summer as Lions, All Blacks and provincial players from New Zealand recount their memories to bring to life one of the most celebrated tours in rugby history one that changed the game forever and continues to resonate powerfully to this day.
ISBN: 9781913538163
Awdur/Author: Tom English, Peter Burns
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Polaris Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2021-08-27
Tudalennau/Pages: 288
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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