Where the River Takes Us - Lesley Parr
Where the River Takes Us - Lesley Parr
Gan awdur The Valley of Lost Secrets, dyma antur gyffrous, hanesyddol, wedi'i gosod ar gefnlen streiciau'r glowyr yn y 1970au, sy'n berffaith ar gyfer darllenwyr oedran 9+. Gydag adleisiau o Stand By Me, ceir yma antur o'r radd flaenaf, yn cynnwys portreadau cywrain a llinyn storïol gafaelgar ar themâu perthnasol. Ffuglen hanesyddol oesol a gwych.
English Description: From author of The Valley of Lost Secrets comes a thrilling historical adventure set against a backdrop of the 1970s miners' strikes, perfect for readers aged 9+. Echoing Stand By Me, this thrilling middle-grade adventure gives us the most exquisite characterisation and a page-turning plot with relatable themes, making an utterly timeless and fine historical fiction.
ISBN: 9781526647771
Awdur/Author: Lesley Parr
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-03-16
Tudalennau/Pages: 320
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: 2023-03-02
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