Where There's a Will - Hope, Grief
Where There's a Will - Hope, Grief
ISBN: 9781788161510 (1788161513)
Publication Date: 23 June 2020
Publisher: Harper Collins, Cheltenham
Format: Hardback, 222x144 mm, 288 pages
Language: English
In 2015 Emily Chappell embarked on a formidable new bike race: The Transcontinental. 4,000km across Europe, unassisted, in the shortest time possible. On her first attempt she made it only halfway, waking up suddenly on her back in a field, floored by the physical and mental exertion. A year later she entered the race again - and won.
Yn 2015, cychwynnodd Emily Chappell ar ras feiciau anodd: ras drawsgyfandirol 4,000 cilomedr ar draws Ewrop, a hynny heb gymorth. Dim ond cyrraedd hanner ffordd wnaeth hi bryd hynny, ond ymhen blwyddyn, mentrodd i'r ras eto - ac ennill y tro hwn.
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