White Camellia, The - Juliet Greenwood
White Camellia, The - Juliet Greenwood
Disgwylir i Bea briodi ei chefnder cefnog wedi i'w theulu adael y cartref teuluol, Tressillion. Wedi ymweliad ag ystafell de, caiff Bea ei denu gan fudiad y swffragétiaid, ond a fydd dilyn ei chalon yn golygu bradychu ei theulu? Mae Americanes, Sybil, yn prynu Tressillion, a bydd cyfrinachau'r lle yn taflu Bea a'r perchennog newydd ynghyd, ond a fyddan nhw'n elynion neu'n gyfeillion?
English Description: Bea is expected to marry her wealthy cousin after her family has to leave Tressillion. A visit to the White Camellia tearoom finds her drawn into the suffrage campaign - will following her heart mean betraying her family? American Sybil buys Tressillion and its secrets will eventually force her and Bea together - will they be enemies or allies?
ISBN: 9781909983502
Awdur/Author: Juliet Greenwood
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Honno
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2016-08-26
Tudalennau/Pages: 360
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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