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Why Wales Never was - The Failure of Welsh Nationalism

Why Wales Never was - The Failure of Welsh Nationalism

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In the nineteenth century, the 'Age of Nationalism', when nationalism flowered in every small European country, no Welsh national movement emerged. Contrary to the popular view that Welsh radical politics was a boost for Welsh nationalism, Why Wales Never Was shows that this was the very reason for its failure.

Yn ystod y 19eg ganrif, 'Oes Cenedlaetholdeb' ym mhob gwlad fechan yn Ewrop, ni ymddangosodd yr un mudiad cenedlaethol yng Nghymru. Yn groes i'r farn boblogaidd bod gwleidyddiaeth radicalaidd wedi hybu cenedlaetholdeb Cymreig, dengys Why Wales Never Was mai dyma oedd yr union reswm am fethiant cenedlaetholdeb yma.
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