Wicked Wales: Woeful Wales at War - Catrin Stevens
Wicked Wales: Woeful Wales at War - Catrin Stevens
Byd creulon y ddau ryfel byd wedi ei ddehongli gan yr hanesydd Catrin Stevens yn y gyfres Hanes Atgas. Digon o ffeithiau ffiaidd a ffrwydrol am ymgyrchoedd ynfyd, arwyr arswydol, menywod mentrus, bwlis bril, creaduriaid cythreulig, troseddau trasig, cosbau creulon, rheolau rhyfeddol, tictactau trawiadol, ystadegau ysgytwol a dial dieflig.
English Description: There's something for everybody in Woeful Wales at War, from the grandparents and great-grandparents who experienced the horrors of war first-hand, to the thousands of schoolchildren who enjoy finding out about this very important (and world-changing) part of our history.
ISBN: 9781848514621
Awdur/Author: Catrin Stevens
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Pont Books @ Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2012-11-26
Tudalennau/Pages: 160
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: X
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