Wild Persistence - Katrina Naomi
Wild Persistence - Katrina Naomi
Lluniodd Katrina Naomi y casgliad hwn o gerddi wedi iddi symud o Lundain i Gernyw, ac ynddynt mae'n ystyried pellter ac agosatrwydd, gan gwestiynu sut i fyw. Archwilir deuoliaeth a chyrhaeddiad, rhyw a dawns, a thrip i Siapan a cheir adran gref o gerddi am ganlyniadau trais. Dyma lais cyfoes a chredadwy.
English Description: Katrina Naomi's poetry collection, Wild Persistence, written after a move from London to Cornwall, considers distance and closeness, and questions how to live. She dissects 'dualism' and arrival, sex and dance, a trip to Japan. There is a strong section of poems about the aftermath of an attempted rape. Her voice is convincing and contemporary.
ISBN: 9781781725818
Awdur/Author: Katrina Naomi
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Seren
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-06-11
Tudalennau/Pages: 72
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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