Witches, Warriors, Workers - An Anthology of Contemporary Working Women's Poetry
Witches, Warriors, Workers - An Anthology of Contemporary Working Women's Poetry
Blodeugerdd o farddoniaeth, traethodau telynegol ac arlunwaith gan wragedd, yn archwilio perthnasoedd cymhleth gwragedd gyda gwaith, yr amgylchfyd, eu teuluoedd, eu cyrff a gyda'i gilydd. Dyma fynegiant cynhwysol o chwaeroliaeth trwy gyfrwng ystod eang o leisiau sy'n cynnig ffeministiaeth croestoriadol.
English Description: An anthology of poetry, lyric essays and artwork by women, exploring women's complex relationship to work, the environment, our families, our bodies and each other. With our rights and freedoms under threat and our work undervalued, this broad range of voices is an inclusive expression of sisterhood, offering an inspiring, intersectional feminism.
ISBN: 9781912710614
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Culture Matters
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-06-12
Tudalennau/Pages: 192
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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