Wizards, The - Aberavon Rugby 1876-2017 - Howard Williams, Phil Atkinson
Wizards, The - Aberavon Rugby 1876-2017 - Howard Williams, Phil Atkinson
Cyfrol yn olrhain hanes hir a balch clwb rygbi Aberafan, y mae 50 o'i chwaraewyr wedi chwarae dros Gymru. Enillodd y clwb deitlau cynghrair a chwpanau niferus,a chyda chlwb rygbi Castell-nedd, fe wnaethon nhw wynebu timau mawrion De'r Affrig, Awstralia a Seland Newydd.
English Description: Aberavon RFC has a long, proud and illustrious history, with 50 of its players being capped for Wales, the club winning many league titles and domestic cups, and - with Neath RFC - facing the might of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Aberavon RFC is a great rugby club and this is its story.
ISBN: 9781902719665
Awdur/Author: Howard Williams, Phil Atkinson
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Welsh Academic Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2017-12-12
Tudalennau/Pages: 192
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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