WJEC GCE A Level Health and Social Care, and Childcare - Adult Health and social care pathway - Madhulata Patel
WJEC GCE A Level Health and Social Care, and Childcare - Adult Health and social care pathway - Madhulata Patel
Cyfrol a ysgrifennwyd ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn y cwrs GCE A Level in Health and Social Care, and Childcare, gan ddelio ag unedau 5 a 6 o'r fanyleb. Cynigir cefnogaeth hefyd i fyfyrwyr sy'n dilyn Tystysgrif a Diploma Lefel 3 mewn Health and Social Care: Principles and Contexts - nodir y cynnwys perthnasol ar ddechrau pob adran.
English Description: This book has been written for students following WJEC GCE A Level in Health and Social Care, and Childcare and covers Units 5 and 6 of the specification. It also supports learning for students following the Level 3 Certificate and Diploma in Health and Social Care: Principles and Contexts relevant content is identified at the start of each section.
ISBN: 9781860857379
Awdur/Author: Madhulata Patel
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: CBAC/WJEC
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-02-10
Tudalennau/Pages: 278
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: 2023-05-04
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