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Y Bwbach Bach Unig

Y Bwbach Bach Unig

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ISBN: 9781785622823Publication Date October 2018
Publisher: Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
Adapted/Translated by Angharad Elen.Format: Paperback, 196x128 mm, 40 pages Language: Welsh


Every Bwbach needs two things – a house to take care of and a family to look after. So what's a poor Bwbach to do when his home is literally dismantled around him? Go after it, of course! On the way, he will meet friendly foxes, helpful hawks, and a variety of mythical beasts, the most puzzling of which: human children. Will the poor Bwbach ever find his cottage again?

Mae pob Bwbach angen dau beth – tŷ i'w ofalu amdano a theulu i'w warchod. Felly wnaiff y Bwbach bach pan gaiff ei dŷ ei ddatgymalu o'i gwmpas? Dilynwn y Bwbach ar ei daith i ganfod ei gartref ar draws Cymru. A fydd y Bwbach yn gweld ei fwthyn byth eto? Ac os bydd, pwy fydd yn byw yno nawr bod ei deulu wedi mynd?

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