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Y Pedwerydd Dyn Doeth

Y Pedwerydd Dyn Doeth

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ISBN: 9781845274467Publication Date September 2013
Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Llanrwst
Illustrated by Dorry SpikesSuitable for age 7-9 or Key Stage 1/2 Format: Paperback, 220x240 mm, 32 pages Language: Welsh


The noteable storyteller T. Llew Jones once heard that four wise men set out to follow the star of Bethlehem. Only three wise men reached the end of their journey. But, according to the author, the fourth wise man also offered his gifts to Jesus. This gem of a story was hidden in a long-forgotten volume written by T. Llew Jones nearly fifty years ago.

Un tro, fe glywodd y storïwr enwog T. Llew Jones si mai pedwar yn hytrach na thri dyn doeth a ddechreuodd ddilyn y seren at breseb y baban Iesu ym Methlehem. Dim ond tri dyn doeth gyrhaeddodd ben y daith - pam na chyrhaeddodd y pedwerydd? Ond fe wnaeth, yn ôl yr awdur. Mae'r perl hwn o stori wedi bod yn cuddio rhwng cloriau cyfrol a luniodd T. Llew Jones hanner canrif yn ôl, bron.

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