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Y Theatr Genedlaethol yng Nghymru

Y Theatr Genedlaethol yng Nghymru

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ISBN: 9780708318898

Publication Date December 2007
Publisher: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Press, Cardiff

Edited by Hazel Walford Davies

Format: Paperback, 216x138 mm, 266 pages

Language: Welsh

A volume of 5 studies which give an exciting account of the national theatre companies that enriched the Welsh cultural scene during the twentieth century, concentrating on how social, political and cultural factors played a part in various campaigns to set up a national theatre company.

Cyfrol o 5 astudiaeth sy'n bwrw golwg ar hanes cyffrous y cwmnïau theatr cenedlaethol a fu'n cyfoethogi llwyfannau Cymru yn ystod yr ugeinfed ganrif, gan ganolbwyntio ar sut y chwaraeodd ffactorau cymdeithasol, gwleidyddol a diwylliannol oll eu rhan mewn ymgyrchoedd i sefydlu cwmnïau cenedlaethol.

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