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Ymlusgiaid Penelope Arlon, Tory Gordon-Harris

Ymlusgiaid Penelope Arlon, Tory Gordon-Harris

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ISBN: 9781910574874Publication Date May 2018
Publisher: Atebol, Aberystwyth
Edited by Rhian Jones Adapted/Translated by Marged Gwenllian, Lois Roberts-Jones.Format: Paperback, 253x204 mm, 78 pages
Language: Welsh

This is a fun and factual book about the world's most fascinating reptiles. Did you know that the cobra can stare into your eyes without moving or batting an eyelid? Did you know that the crocodile can bite and shred your body within seconds! Scary!

Cyfrol hwyliog, llawn ffeithiau am rai o ymlusgiaid mwyaf rhyfeddol y Ddaear. Dyma gyfle i fwynhau darllen ffeithiau newydd a rhyfeddu ar luniau trawiadol o fyd yr ymlusgiaid. Mae'r cobra mawr yn gallu sefyll ei dir ac edrych i fyw eich llygaid heb symud dim! A beth am y crocodeil wedyn sydd â brathiad sy'n gallu rhwygo corff mewn eiliadau! Arswydus!
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