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Ynghanol Pethe Emyr Jenkins

Ynghanol Pethe Emyr Jenkins

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ISBN: 9781785622427 Publication Date July 2018
Publisher: Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
Format: Paperback, 215x139 mm, 224 pages
Language: Welsh

These are the recollections and memories of a man who has played an important role in some of Wales' main institutions. He professionalised the National Eisteddfod and was present at the meeting which determined the establishment of S4C. An entertaining look at some of the key events of the latter half of the 20th century by one who was there. 53 photographs.

Atgofion un a chwaraeodd rôl pwysig o fewn rhai o brif sefydliadau Cymru. O dan ei arweinyddiaeth, proffesiynolwyd gweinyddiaeth yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ac ef hefyd yw'r Cymro Cymraeg olaf, hyd yma, i arwain Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Ceir cipolwg difyr iawn ar ddigwyddiadau allweddol yn hanes ein cenedl yn ystod ail hanner yr ugeinfed ganrif, drwy atgofion un a fu yno. 53 o ffotograffau.
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